None, [玉山最低比價網] Panasonic 攜帶式沖牙機 EW-DJ10-A ( EW-DJ40 美版)_TC24。在樂天市場的玉山最低比價網有最棒的商品,是您省錢的最佳選擇。

[玉山最低比價網] Panasonic 攜帶式沖牙機 EW-DJ10-A ( EW-DJ40 美版)_TC24





Now there is no need to travel without the equipment you need for perfect dental health. This device will easily fit in your bag and is easy to use. There is no need to manage without perfect oral and dental hygiene when travelling or in bathrooms - no electricity required New version: lighter than before, greater water pressure, safe with mouthwash and two intensity settings.
* 20% increase in water pressure compared to EW1270 portable model
* 14cm long when packed and weighs 210g
* 165 ml tank volume, lasts about 40 seconds during use
* Lighter than before, and safe with mouthwash
* Two intensity settings



Power Supply

2x AA Battery DC 3V



1 x Panansonic Portable Oral Irrigator EW-DJ10-A (AG 030)
1 x Nozzle
2 x AA Battery

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[玉山最低比價網] Panasonic 攜帶式沖牙機 EW-DJ10-A ( EW-DJ40 美版)_TC24

出自:線上購物分享 - [玉山最低比價網] Panasonic 攜帶式沖牙機 EW-DJ10-A ( EW-DJ40 美版)_TC24
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